9:09 AM

Thanks Thieves!!!! So poor to buy a new slippers!!!

Yesterday after having lunch with amad & aie,then i send i aie to his frens house. Afterwards hang out at amad's room 1 and a half later amad wanna go the toilet then suddenly amad asking me where's my slippers then i already guess a stupid idiot poor pig that don't have money to buy slippers!! So thanks for taking my slippers idiot!!! Then left me your ugly broken slippers!! So who's slippers this is sure he is an idiot!!

So here's a present for u!!!!
Sorry my friends i have to do this!!


Saiful Amani said...

aku penah nampak selipar nie..
dalam lbh kurang kat tingkat bawah jamal..
org pun mcm jamal sikit2

Anonymous said...

aku penah pki slipa ni pegi jmbn...